Keep your employees healthy with the right group health and dental health insurance.

Many South Dakota businesses choose to offer health and dental insurance as a benefit to employees and their families. Most importantly, businesses offer this type of coverage as a form of employee retention. Group insurance plans offer a wider variety of coverage plans and options over individual coverage to choose from.

One of the biggest mistakes when offering group insurance is not having a knowledgeable agent. An agent must have the know-how to help you manage your group health insurance so you can maximize your profits as well as have coverage that meets your company’s insurance needs. The professional agents with Herrmann Insurance Agencies can help you find the right insurance plans so you can offer comprehensive health and dental insurance to your employees.

Tax Deductible – Did you know that the premiums you pay out could be tax deductible? Not only will our agents find the right plan for your business, but we can show you other benefits offering these plans to your employees.

Insured trade worker covered by a group health plan using a grinder

Business owners in Rapid City, Sioux Falls, and throughout South Dakota can turn to Herrmann Insurance Agencies for advice and guidance. We have helped employers create benefit packages for employees for nearly 40 years. We can walk you through the choices and help you make wise decisions about coverage options.

Employee retention – Training new employees is a costly expense. Fortunately, it can be easier to retain good quality employees if you offer an attractive company health care plan to protect your employees and families. That constant re-training costs money and time, which can more than makeup for the cost of a group health care plan.

Woman signs paperwork for her employer-offered health insurance.

Working Through the Complexities

When choosing a group health insurance plan to offer your employees, there is a lot that needs to be considered. What are the tax implications of each plan for the company? What is the employer contribution? What about COBRA? Can I afford the premiums?

As an employer, you select the group health or dental plan and then invite employees to enroll. Our Rapid City or Sioux Falls-based insurance agents can help you choose a plan that fits your company’s needs. Most plans require employers to pay at least 25 percent of each employee’s premium, keep a certain participation percentage, and perhaps a portion of their dependents’ premiums. The employee pays the remainder. At least two employees are required to form a group plan.

If your company wants to attract and retain strong employees, offering group health & dental insurance is a great way to go. We can help you compare plans and get competitive quotes from leading insurance companies in our great state.

Contact our Agents

If you have any questions about group health & dental insurance services or would like a quote, please contact our Rapid City or Sioux Falls office. We look forward to helping you.

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Delta Dental Insurance Logo
Sanford Health Plan Logo
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